Saturday, December 1, 2012

We Are Love

    I stumble down the stairs and shuffle into the kitchen.  The sun is streaming through the windows filtered through soft green foliage.  You have built these windows especially for me because  I love having fresh herbs to cook with.  I smile thinking about you and how you spoil me. I have on a white oversized t-shirt, barefoot and I am freezing.  There is a real nip in the November air but it's too early to have the heat on.  When we are home together, the fireplace is just enough to take the chill off.
     I need a cup of hot tea this morning to wake up and warm up before I take my shower. I am looking forward to that first sip of English Breakfast tea.  I think I am still asleep when I drink my first cup of tea most mornings.  Where is that damn tea kettle?  I look under the cabinets. Sweetheart, what did you do with the tea kettle?  I wonder aloud. Ah here it is!  Why is it in the sink?  I pick up the stainless steel tea kettle with the copper bottom and fill it with cold water and put in on the stove.  I am looking for my fifteen grain bread, you affectionately call "bird seed bread".  I need to make my toast and tea. I am wondering where you could have put it?  It's not like you to put things where they don't belong.  Looking around the kitchen, opening the fridge and I find it on the top shelf.  I put the bread in the toaster, take out the butter, and mix the cinnamon and brown sugar. I sit at the kitchen table lost in thought. This morning, I feel so disorganized, so out of sync and a little melancholy. It's always like this when you aren't home. Everything seems so empty without you.    
     When you are working, I am a bit on edge, because although you keep telling me not to worry, I do. I can't help it. Being a firefighter is a dangerous job.  And I know it is one you love.  You are a hero, but more important, you are my hero. It has taken me my whole life to find you and you have been a miracle in my life. 
Now, I have found you, I could never live without you, never live without your love.  Why would I ever want to?
     I pour myself a mug of hot water and drop a teabag in it. The toast pops and I slather on the butter and sprinkle cinnamon and sugar on every millimeter of toast. This always reminds me of being little and eating breakfast with my dad.  He would cook breakfast on Saturday mornings and since I didn't eat eggs or bacon so he would always treat me to thick slices of cinnamon toast and cups of tea and I still find it comforting.  I sit at the table eating my breakfast, staring out the window, watching the gold and red leaves falling. I am not sure if it's just my imagination but it seems colder here in Toronto then back in Boston. Shivering just a little, my thoughts return to missing you.  I finish eating my toast and tea, licking the buttery cinnamon off the edges of my mouth and make a decision to call you, just to reassure myself.  You answer on the first ring and we chat for a minute or two, but you are always busy in the mornings, I know, so after a few kisses and loving words, we hang up.  But just hearing your voice makes me feel better, for awhile anyways.  We are still so new, but I can never imagine ever not missing you.  You are my love and my life, my everything.
    I go upstairs and shower quickly, still chilled.  I slowly get dressed for work in white scrub pants and t shirt and a clinical jacket with pastel multicoloured hearts pattern.  I hate scrub tops, because they are unisex, by the time I can get them to fit my bust, they are huge everywhere else.  That's why I wear a plain t-shirt and a scrub jacket.  It's so much more comfortable.  I slip on my white socks and pink clogs.  My short, red hair is still damp, and I glance at the digital clock on my nightstand.  Time to go.  I grab my lunch from the fridge and stuff it in my black and grey coach bag and throw on my hip length, zip front black leather jacket.  It's almost too cold to wear it, but I am not wearing my heavy winter jacket, yet, not before Thanksgiving.  I think to myself, well, Thanksgiving has come and gone here, but I am still on US time.  To me, Thanksgiving comes after Halloween. What is kind of nice though is that holiday season starts earlier for me and we get two Thanksgivings (which seems appropriate, I have so much to be grateful for).
     I am outside now, travel mug of tea in hand, waiting for the carpool for work.  It has been an adjustment for me moving up here; going from working in a busy hospital to an even busier doctor's office.  I never wanted to leave the hospital, but since my knee injury, it wasn't practical to work eight to ten hours on my feet and I had been contemplating my next move. Relocating to a new city was the perfect time to switch careers. I am pretty outgoing and personable. It doesn't take me long to make friends and find a job.  Your friends have been kind and so welcoming.   I guess they can see how much I love you and how happy you are. Well, I hope they can anyways.
     I have always done hands on patient care in a hospital and I am not used to medical office work, but I am creative and innovative and love the challenge of a new career. Everyone has been so kind to the "transplant", including me in lunches, get togethers and parties.  And I feel like I fit in, although I still do get teased about my Boston accent.
      My ride is here. I get in the car and everyone is so animated, laughing and joking. It's Monday morning and weekend adventures are being shared. I sit quietly sipping my tea, just listening. For some odd reason, it makes me miss you even more.
    The office is busy this Monday morning, busier than usual. lots of appointment, blood pressure checks, flu shots, transcribing medical notes and insurance billing.  The patients are getting to know me and I am greeted with smiles and pleasantries. It's so different from the hospital I worked at in the states.  Even the doctors in the practice went out of their way to make it clear to me, we are all part of the same team. It really was fate finding this job, but then ever since I met you, my love, things have just fallen into place. I love working here and have made a few good friends that we occasionally have over for dinner and drinks.  I guess I am settling in well.  My thoughts are interrupted. "Hey, girlfriend, the doctor is ready for you in room three.  He is doing an exam and needs you to assist,"  the receptionist tells me.  "Stop dreaming about that man of yours!" she teases.  I give her a big grin and hurry away.  I was non-stop all day. There was not even enough time for lunch.  I snuck away at three o'clock for a cup of tea and to eat my sandwich, Monterrey Jack Cheese with sliced plum tomato on honey oat bread.  I sat in the breakroom alone and checked my phone, no call, no text from you. I started thinking about yesterday.
    It was Sunday and I had to go to work. Even though the practice wasn't open seven days a week, we were there on weekends until 1pm for emergencies and it was my weekend to work.
   You got up before me and didn't wake me up, even though I asked you to.  You told me I need my sleep.  You don't know how much I need you more.  And tonight, when I get home from work, you won't be there. Our home seems too big and empty without you and our bed even worse.  I try to push the lonely thoughts out of my mind.
    I remembered last night. Because I was working this last weekend and you and I didn't get much time together. Sunday, you were helping a buddy with some home repairs and came home after I did, exhausted, covered in paint, plaster and sawdust. Kissed me and went upstairs to shower, leaving me smiling to start dinner. After a long, hot shower, you felt more relaxed and content.  You came downstairs to the kitchen.  I was standing at the stove, adding fresh rosemary to the pan; you walked over to me, came up behind me, put your arms around me, kissing the back of my neck.  "Hi, baby, what are you cooking?  Dinner smells good.  What can I do to help?" you asked.  "Sweetie, would you pour the wine? Dinner is almost ready." I answered.  We shared a simple dinner of Veal Marsala on Angel Hair Pasta with grated Parmesan cheese and a nice Pinot Grigio. And as is already our tradition, the table is set simply but elegantly. You know how much I love flowers, so you bring me flowers every week, fresh seasonal bouquets for our table. You lit the creamy vanilla candles, poured the wine in our oversized wine glasses, carried the bowl of cheesy pasta and tender veal scallops in savory wine and mushroom sauce to the table and sat down.  It had only taken me 30 minutes to get dinner on the table.  I smiled as I  watched you eat, enjoying every bite. I looked at you, picked up my wine glass and said, "ti amo, questo e altro."  You picked up your glass and replied, "ti amo" ; took a sip of wine and kissed me.  You may not know much Italian, but you know enough.  We lingered over dinner, talking about everything and nothing.  When we were done, we cleared the table. did the dishes and straightened up, sharing laughs, hugs and more kisses. You went into our living room as I blew out the candles.  You lit the fireplace in the living room and with another glass of wine, we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie.  It was one of my favorite times to be snuggled with you on our plush fawn sofa, feeling your warm body against mine.  I could feel you relaxing as you were nodding off.  Finally at about midnight, you announced that it was bedtime, we both had to work early in the morning.  I dutifully went upstairs, while you locked up and shut off the lights. I changed into my soft fleecy dark blue robe and climbed into our bed. You came upstairs, visibly weary.  You laid out your clothes for work, undressed and climbed into bed. Slipping off my robe I nestled close to you, felt your skin against mine, and you held me and kissed my neck. "Baby, you're wonderful," you murmured drowsily.  I thought to myself, this is what I have waited my whole life for, a man who loves me.  You nuzzled into my neck, one more kiss and then I heard your breath, slowing down and falling into a regular rhythm.  You were so tired from working, I am glad you had already fallen asleep. I looked at you...thinking about how much I love you and need you.  I hugged you tighter, careful not to wake you. Laying on your side, you took one arm and one leg and put them over me.  And I drifted happily to sleep, content in your arms.  When my alarm went off this morning, I reached over but you weren't there.
      I looked up at the clock, I needed to get back to work. After a few more patients, I sat down at the desk to enter nursing notes, laughing with the receptionist about the craziness of a full moon Monday, until it was time to go home.  I find my ride and we walk out to her car; she tells me she will pick me up tomorrow morning at about 11:30. Tuesdays are my short days most weeks. The ride home was uneventful; everyone seemed quiet and I got dropped off first.
     Waving bye, I unlock the door, grab the mail and go inside.  I flip on lights, kick off my shoes and hang up my jacket.  In the kitchen, I put on the kettle.  Looking around for some dinner, I decide on a cup of creamy tomato bisque with some toast and maybe some grapes for dessert.  After looking through the mail, I put it on your desk.  Like everything else we do, we pay bills together. I warm the soup, make the toast and tea; taking my dinner to the kitchen table, I sit alone, just me and my laptop. I can't stand to cook for just me and I don't set the table.   My sandwich sits on a paper towel.  My tea is in my pink bunny mug.  A far cry from the beautifully set table of last night.  While I eat, I check my email.  An old girlfriend is on line and we chat awhile, catching up on both our lives.  I am trying to convince her to come and stay over the Christmas holidays.  I have a week off and it would be a perfect time to visit. 
     You and I have planned a trip back east for a few days during the US Thanksgiving holidays to visit with my family in two weeks.  You have a week off and I took a week off.  We had decided to drive there. It is a 10 hour drive, but for you probably eight, another advantage of loving a man who drives a firetruck.  It made sense for us for many reasons. By driving there, we have the advantage of having our own car to get around.  And when not with family, I can take you sightseeing: Plymouth Plantation, the Public Garden Downtown Boston, Fanueil Hall Marketplace, all lit for Christmas.  And, instead of mailing Christmas presents, we can bring them with us, handy when you have as many presents as Santa. 
    We knew that we both wanted to spend Christmas in our own home.  Canadian Thanksgiving with your family; US Thanksgiving with mine and Christmas home, that works for us. However everyone is welcome in our home all through the holiday season.  All I need to make my holidays special is you and this year we both have Christmas off.
    When it comes to Christmas I am like a little kid, I love everything about it, shopping, wrapping, cooking and decorating.  We will start decorating when we get back from Boston and everything will be done before the Christmas party.  I can hardly wait! Everything seems so special at Christmas. And now with you, everything is extra special. The kind of love we share makes my ordinary life a fairytale. You laugh when I call you 'my prince charming', but I can't help it. You make my dreams come true. 
    We are both traditional, when it comes to Christmas and our home will be decorated for the holidays with classic accents that blend in with all the things we love.  I am so excited about decorating our home this year and you indulge me.  I want to make our home beautiful for you. I want you to make you proud and happy. 
      I go over to the desk, open the drawer and take out my steno notebook and go back to the kitchen.  I am a listmaker. It's how I organize everything.  I like the fun and excitement of planning.  It can seem overwhelming but something about seeing the handwritten list, makes me feel organized and in control of my environment.  Also, It will help ensure we buy everything we need ahead of time.  I start a fresh page and write at the top "Outside".  You handle the outside decorating with a little input from me.  The outside will have multicolour lights everywhere and up on the porch, boxwood garland, intertwined with lights, tied up with big red and green plaid bows.  The front door and the side door, outlined in garland and lights, will have a simple mixed boxwood and balsam fir evergreen wreaths on the door, each with pine cones and matching bows.  I write one item per line, "lights, fresh garland, ribbon, florist wire, pine cones, find out if we need wreath hangers".  Next page, "Living Room". I will have you take down all the curtains and drapery in the living room, dining room and kitchen.  In each of the living room windows I plan to put a large balsam and fir wreath in the middle of the window, hung from wide ribbons, a simple bow at the top of the window and since you can see them from outside and inside our home, I use the same red and green plaid ribbon.  The fireplace mantle in the living room, will have an evergreen garland with holly and tiny coloured lights intertwined with ribbon.  A grouping of tall red pillar candles and Christmas greens in a simple wooden base you have built for me, will be on top of the fireplace mantle, just waiting for stockings for Santa to fill. Large red poinsettias will be banked on each side of the fireplace.  And over the mantle, on the wall, another Christmas wreath, this one decorated with pine cones, ribbon and multicoloured Christmas balls.  The fresh cut tree will be in front of the living room windows, decorated with our "blended family" ornaments and lit with traditional multicolor lights. I have brought my favorite ornaments with me, ones that remind of the happy times of my childhood.  And most important is mistletoe over the doorway tied with a small red ribbon. On the "Living Room" page, I write " take down curtains, BIG tree, find lights and ornaments, buy garland for the mantle, mistletoe, 4 large red poinsettias, 4 -20 inch wreaths, ribbon, 5 candles, ask if we need more lights, ask about garland on the staircase railing?". We come to the dining room.  The windows will be swagged with boxwood garland and white berries and white lights and a table centerpiece with a large white candle in a large glass hurricane shade and will echo the window decorations. I jot down, "2 boxwood garlands, small white berries, white fairy lights, large candle, hurricane lamp shade, and assorted greens, and a block of oasis floral foam. Find tablecloth."  My next page is titled "Kitchen".  Evergreen swags over the kitchen windows decorated with gingerbread stars, cinnamon sticks and red gingham ribbon will make the house smell like Christmas. So it's "2 evergreen swags, red gingham ribbon, long cinnamon sticks, pine cones, Take down curtains, find holiday tablecloths and napkins, bake gingerbread ornaments, unpack Christmas dishes and stemware."  Next is my favorite, "Our Room".  For our bedroom, I have brought with me some very special ornaments I have hand crafted.  They are clear glass and some have a downy white feather in them, some have few tiny seashells in them with a bit of sand and some are iridescent. I also have small pale mother of pearl seashells hung on fine silver cording. And you don't know it yet, but I want us to start our own tradition of buying an ornament for our tree that reflects our life at this moment in time.  This year I have already purchased a white glass ornament with a crescent moon hand painted on it, engraved with "I love you right up to the moon — and back."
     I plan on decorating the tree with tiny white twinkling lights along with my ornaments, seashells and small white velvet and lace bows.  I know you will love it.  It will be so romantic and the bedroom will smell amazing. As much as you give me a hard time, I know you love the fact I am romantic.  On the bedroom page, I write, "6 ft tree, white lights, silver balls, velvet ribbon and lace, 6 white pillar candles".  Next are our guest rooms.  A new page "Guest Rooms",  I write " 2 -16 inch wreaths Well this looks manageable.
    I am so excited just thinking about decorating our home for the holidays. My goal is for our home to be warm and inviting as well as festive. 
    You are already planning a Christmas Party. I have to remember to run the menu by you.  My plan is plenty of appetizers and finger foods: sweet and sour meatballs, crunchy chicken wings, scallops and pineapple chunks wrapped in bacon, cheese and bacon stuffed mushrooms, platters of marinated shrimp and lobster chunks, chicken satay, stuffed cherry tomatoes and mini crab cakes, and assorted cheeses with crackers.  And I will keep dessert simple: assorted brownies, cheesecake bites, miniature cream puffs, Italian cookies and a sweet cream dip with fresh fruit and pizalles, but I think I will surprise you with your favorite hot chocolate pudding cake.  I figure I can start baking two weeks ahead of time and freeze the brownies and cookies. I already took the week before the party to do the cooking and baking.  The large refrigerator you insisted on buying will prove an excellent choice.
    This will be the biggest party you have had, because not only are your friends and family coming, but so are the people I work with.  My daughter has decided to come and visit for that weekend with a few friends.  With yours and mine, we will have a house full. And as much work as I know it will be, I am so looking forward to it.  I love cooking and baking and I love parties! 
    I flip to a new page in my steno notepad and start making my lists; first the menu, then the ingredients needed, and everything else we will need.  I am thinking that we need small plates and forks.  As long as I make sure everything is cut into bite sized pieces, we wont need knives or spoons. Back to my laptop, I search for dishes.  I found some really nice seven inch white square dishes on amazon that fit the bill, perfect size, only about twelve dollars per dozen.   And a case of dinner forks for only fifteen dollars per twenty four.  I order 8 dozen plates and 8 dozen forks. They will be delivered in about two weeks.  That is perfect.  China plates and flatware will pay for themselves after a few parties and make it easier for people to walk around eating and mingling and besides, they look so much nicer than paper.  I need to consult with you on the glassware we need.  Looking at my lists, this will be so much fun, I am as excited as a little kid. As I am ordering the flatware and dishes, it hits me, this is real.
     I look up at the clock. I can't believe it's already two o'clock in the morning. I need to go to bed.  The last thing I feel like doing is sleeping.  If I don't get some sleep, I will be exhausted tomorrow.  And I really want to get up early and spend some time with you before I go to work. I grab a fleecy white blanket and curl up on the couch.  I don't think I can face sleeping in our big empty bed. I am so tired and quickly fall asleep; thoughts of loving you in my head.
    It seems like I had been asleep for about five minutes, when I feel you pulling the blanket over me, tucking me in.  I open my eyes and see you grinning.  I break out into a smile.  "Morning, baby, so good to see you.  I missed you sooo much," I start to say, as you are kissing me, "hey! not fair! I'm not awake yet."  "I missed you too, babe.  Come on, little girl, come with Papa," you tell me.
"Oh, so not fair!" I reply.  You just look at me still grinning. You take my hand and lead me upstairs to our room.  I follow, not like I could ever resist you.  "Where are you taking me?" I coyly ask.  You answer me very matter of fact way, "I am taking you with me to bed.  I happen to know you go into work today at noon, so for the next three hours, I have you to myself. I have been thinking about you for the last 24."  I sink back into the warm waterbed and watch you undress.  You get in and hover over me.  You lean over and kiss me with a hard, deep kiss, parting my lips and slipping your tongue into my mouth.  Your kiss takes my breath away.  Any thoughts of resisting you are long gone. 
    I softly moan and that encourages you further. You rub your cheek across mine. Your beard scratches against my face. "Sorry, baby, I didn't shave yet," you murmur. You lift my shirt up over my breasts and kiss my belly, then kiss between my breasts.  I feel your beard on my tender skin. "I like when you don't shave," I whisper. You look at me with a smile on your face, "I know," you reply.  My anticipation is mounting.  I am beginning to feel so warm. You are fondling my ample breasts through my white silky bra and I can't get enough of you.  I arch my back and raise my body to you. You feel my skin getting hot and dewy and blow lightly on me, sending chills everywhere.  You pull my shirt up over my head and before I can get it off, you tie it around my wrists and onto our headboard. "Let's see you get away from me now," you say, as you unhook my bra. "You are mine,"  kissing my breasts.  I feel your tongue on my skin. I feel you getting aroused. You raise your lips to my mouth and I look in your eyes.  You have a devilish look in your eyes, giving me a long deep kiss. "Oh honey, I want this to last...never want it to end," I think to myself not sure if I uttered the words aloud or not. You kiss my neck and then again my breasts this time rubbing your stubbly cheeks against my hard, erect nipples and I close my eyes and chills run up my spine.  Your hand goes between my legs, feeling my heat through the cotton scrub pants, as you are sucking my nipples..biting, nibbling just a little, first one then the other.  My breathing gets heavier. Hearing my sighs, you untie the top of my pants, and slip your hand in, touching my white cotton panties, teasing me. You feel my wetness seeping through.  You pull the thin fabric to one side and slip your finger in.  I can't help myself, I unconsciously start to thrust my hips to you.  "Oh, that's my girl...that's my horny little baby, you want to come for me, baby?"  My only reply is a gasp and then a short cry.  You have found my clit and are playing with it.  I close my eyes and sensations are all jumbled together.  I don't even know what I am feeling anymore, except desire for only you.  You know me so well; know exactly where to touch me, what to do.  It has been that way since our first time together.  I remember that first time and how nervous and self conscious I was. How afraid I was that I couldn't turn you on. It seemed like I couldn't relax enough to give myself to you, to lose myself to you.  Your love, understanding and patience are limitless.  You kept murmuring words of love and desire in my ear.  Words I knew were true. And all my inhibitions dropped like the silky robe you had taken off of me, so slowly and so gently.  And as my inhibitions faded, my desire grew.  I knew I could never be with any other man.  I was yours, now and forever. You are everything I ever dreamed of in a man.
       "Oh honey, I want you so much...I want..I need to touch you," I moan. Straddling me, you raise yourself up so the tip of your cock just brushes my lips.  I open my mouth and run my hot wet tongue over the head, the skin now tight and smooth, swelling even more at the touch of my tongue.  I raise my head and take more of you in my eager mouth, sucking noisily.  You look down and watch me skillfully taking you in, swirling  my tongue around the head of your cock, finding the sweet spot and making my tongue hard, licking your magnificent cock perfect desirable; I hear you groaning, your eyes closed.  You look at me and smirk, "you are such a naughty girl, sucking my cock like that, I guess there is only one thing I can do."   You move back a little, so I can't lick you.  But you make sure I can see you, so very hard.  Your mouth moves down my body kissing my mouth, my neck, my cleavage, my belly and I can still feel your hardness against my leg as your hand slides down my inner thigh. You lift your head and look at me again "come on, my naughty nurse, these pants have got to go," you say as you take them off. Your hand goes between my legs, "you are a bad girl..look at how wet these pretty panties are."  You flick my clit with your finger.  You move down lower, between my legs.  I feel your unshaven face on my thigh and shudder, moaning louder.  "Let me loose.  I need my hands. I need to touch you, feel you," I plead.  "Baby, you will...just not yet," you reply.  My senses heightened, I feel your heavy breaths on my skin, sending shivers and goosebumps over all of me.  I am trying so hard to keep control, but I don't even know why I am trying. I can never resist you.  You know exactly where to touch me, exactly what to do to make me lose control and I always give in, the anticipation is driving me crazy.  I am trying to hold back. But the feelings are nipples tingling, your hard cock rubbing against me, your breath on my pussy, your fingers on my clit. Then you stop suddenly.  I am watching with rapt attention as you touch the tip of your cock. I can see the precum on your fingers.  I close my eyes; this is past teasing now, this is almost torture.  I feel you put your fingers in my mouth so I can taste you.  I open my eyes and turn my head.  You are beside me, your cock is so close to my lips again.  I stick out my tongue and lick the precum off the tip.  There aren't any need for words. You move closer to me. I take more of you in my mouth. My hips are wiggling, my nipples hard and erect, my clit throbbing.  You are very aware of what you are doing to me.  You bring your hands up to where I am tied. Finally, you are going to let me loose.  Let me touch you, fondle you, pleasure you.  But instead of untying me, you make sure I can't get loose.  I whimper, "please, baby?".  You bend over and kiss my mouth, deeply and so hard you almost bruise my lips.  "Babe, I told you, for the next few hours you are all mine." you explain.  You kiss my mouth again, then my breasts, my nipples, sucking on them one at at time, your hands fondling the other breast. You bite my nipples, grazing them with your teeth.  They are so tender from you, tingling and stinging.  You kiss between my breasts, your moustache scratching my skin, then you kiss my belly.  You move on top of me.  Laying your body on mine, I feel your full weight. I can't move.   I can feel your cock rubbing against the lips of my pussy.  I have been struggling, trying to keep control as hard as you are trying to make me lose control.  You run your hands down my body. I feel your hands all over me. The passion is rising to a fever pitch, wet skin against wet skin.  You are going to make me cum.  I can feel the sexual tension intensifying.  I want you. I want you in me.  "Fuck me; fuck me hard," I beg, "I need to feel your cock inside me, filling me up."  I raise my legs and wrap them around you.  Lifting my hips off the bed to meet every thrust.  I want you to feel as good as I do.  I grab your cock with the muscles in my pussy.  I am squeezing you hard, milking your cock.  I want you to cum too.  I want to feel you lose control and explode.   I want to squeeze every drop of come out of you.  I feel your body tense.  I don't want to orgasm till you do.  I want to give myself to you totally.  As I feel your body tense, I kiss your lips, hard.  I grab your tongue with my teeth, gently.  You put your tongue in my mouth, I suck on it.  You pull it out of my mouth, and look in my eyes. I catch my breath and bite my lip.  I can see the animal lust in you and it excites me even more.  Your thrusting gets faster and I crash into waves of ecstasy, so blinding I cant remember where I am or what time it is, all I know is you.  I hear your first  low earthy growl, matched by my soft cries.  I feel you. I feel the rush of red hot cum, inflaming me.  And its starts me, wave after wave of intense pleasure bring me to an crescendo of euphoria. I am still shaking, still shuddering, as you lay on me in exhausted contentment.  You reach up and untie my wrists.  My arms are aching from being tied so long, but I don't care.  Being helpless, anticipating your moves, giving control over to you made the sensations so much more intense.  You hold me in your arms so lovingly. Your touch is so soft, as you stroke my cheek, whispering words of love. You rub my sore shoulders and kiss them.  I hold you close, never wanting to let you go.  I cradle you in my arms, holding your head against my breasts.  You are kissing them.  I can't believe how much I love you, love your hug, your kiss, your touch.  I can't ever imagine living without you.

Moonlight draws your colors in the dawn
while the sound of silence in the wind
fills like an empty song

As the rain begin to fall down
like a million tears
and the heaven shining through the clouds
girl, I can feel you here

Don't you ever loose me, I could never loose you
can't you feel me?

we are love
like the Earth and ocean
we're the same devotion you and me
we are love

Je t'aime, mi amor, io ti amo, we are love
adoro te, tutto al mondo, we are love

Sunlight burning deep into the eyes
and it blinds the sadness of a tear
so we can see the sky

When you ever feeling lonely
and love's get you down
hear the beat in whispers of my heart
I know you've come around

I will always need you
if you aver need me, can't you see?
we are love
like the Earth and ocean
we're the same devotion you and me
we are love

Je t'aime, mi amor, io ti amo, we are love
adoro te, tutto al mondo, we are love

Lift you hands, let's your feelings rise
we're like a river flowing to the sea
You and me

Il Volo

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