Friday, September 14, 2012


The Lovers
Painting by Julia Watkins
 Heaven (Part 1)

    She woke rather lazily, as is her habit.  Mornings are definitely not her time of day.  If life were civilized, she thought to herself, the day would start at noon.  She reached her hand over to the other side of the bed and sighed to herself. Alone, wishing he was here. He has already started his busy day.  She felt the sheets where hours before his body lay- warm and inviting.  Rolling over, she could smell the delicious scent of his body mingled with hers in their pillows, savoring memories of their slow, sweet love making.  
     Was there really a life before him?  Yes, she had a life, but somehow he added the color to a grey existence. And it's true, she had a job she found fulfilling, family and friends that loved her and lots of diversions that captured her interest, but somehow the day he entered her life everything changed, suddenly everything became crystal clear. She realized that she had been going through the motions.  She hadn't been unhappy but something was missing and she had no idea what it was, till she met him. He seemed to add a new dimension to her life- and she wasn't even sure he realized it. He filled in the empty spaces. The sun shined brighter; the days were happier; even jokes were funnier.  It's crazy to feel this way, she thought and brushed that thought away, crazy? Maybe but she loved every second of it.  She had finally found what she didn't even know she was looking for.  He was the missing piece to her puzzle.
     She was sorry she had missed him this morning.  She loved to wake up before he did and just prop herself up on one arm beside him and watch him sleep-the long dark eyelashes, the soft, full lips, the whispered sighs- till she couldn't resist any longer and had to gently kiss him.  Slipping quietly out of bed, she would patter to the kitchen in bare feet and his t shirt, and make them both steaming mugs of Earl Grey tea.  It was one of the first things they learned they had in common- Earl Grey tea. She had told him that she didn't need honey for her tea because she had him. He would make faces at her and make all the pretenses of dismissing the idea as so "mushy".  But she knew he secretly loved it.  That was one of his words for her- "mushy".  In the beginning, she was worried that it meant he thought she was too sentimental, but soon realized he loved that part of her too- the part that cried at sappy romantic movies, laughed at his silly, clownish antics,  was always delightfully excited to see him.  He loved those childlike qualities she had. 
     When they first met she had revealed to him her real vulnerability- she had no pretenses about her.  In a world where people lied about love and were insincere about feelings, she was daring and foolish enough to wear her heart on her sleeve.  Her friends had often told her she cared too much..loved too much, but she never thought that was possible.  How could there ever be too much love?  Ever?  Wanting to believe people were basically good and would do the right thing if given the chance, so many times she put herself out there and had been disappointed and hurt.  It partially explained the paradox.  She would love, believe and trust...but then pull back afraid, guarding her heart, afraid she had revealed too much of herself, afraid of the rejection and the pain that would follow.  It was a test very few men ever had time for..until him.  He saw what she was doing and understood.  He didn't run away.  He was patiently loving and stalwart.  He was secure enough in himself to know she truly loved him and no matter how crazy her insecurities seemed to make her, her love and devotion were unwavering. He was the only one who "got it".  He saw her as a strong, creative, intelligent, dynamic woman and believed she was worth it.  This prince would fight his way through the thorny briar - for her; this hero would slay the firey dragon - for her, and all her life, it's what she had been waiting for. He had kissed her and broke the spell. Sometimes, it was so hard to believe, but he was real, faithful and true.  She had almost given up when she met him. She found everything she wanted in a man, everything she had dreamed of in him- loving and kind, caring and dependable, sensible and sexy, brilliant and talented.  She honestly believed there wasn't anything he couldn't do. And with him, she found herself stronger, more confident, better able to face her demons.
    The stolen moments in bed in the morning before he left for work were especially wonderful.  They would share ideas and plans over steaming mugs of tea. Kissing and hugging always left them both wanting more, but it was always a tease because they both knew he couldn't stay, no matter how much he didn't want to leave.  He would do almost anything for her, but he always kept his obligations. She admired him for his dependability and dedication and was so proud of him.  Everything he did, he did to the best of his ability. He was so reliable and responsible. And ever so sexy.
    Thoughts of him filled her head, as they always did, when she daydreamed.  Laying there, she closed her eyes and could feel his hands.  Even the thought of his touch ignited her.  It's funny how she never thought a man could awaken her desires, for so long neglected, for so long ignored.  He did it the first time he smiled.  Now, she lay on his side of the bed remembering how hot his skin felt against hers, how gently but passionately he would kiss her- long, hard and deep.  When he kissed her that way, she couldn't resist him.  His hands caressing every part of her body.  He was slow and meticulous; his lovemaking was intense.  He anticipated her every breath, her every movement. 
     Thinking about his fingers, his lips and his tongue, stirred her.  It was as if she had no control over her body or mind.  She raised the t shirt she wore up over her ample breasts exposing the nipples.  She brushed her fingertips across her hard nipples and still feeling the tingling of his gentle bites.  Her desire grew.  She no longer wanted him.  She needed him.  Her hands went between her legs.  Her fingers found their way to her sweet spot. Closing her eyes, a soft moan escaped her lips.  She opened her eyes to find him standing at the end of the bed.  "Would you like a little help", he asked smiling. 

Lovers by regina negra

 Heaven (part 2)

     She looked up at him completely enamoured. No one had ever looked so good to her. His dark, curly hair still damp from from the shower, drops of water still clinging to his tanned skin and that enticing little smile he gave her. Stepped out of the shower, he had heard her seductive sighs, so hastily he had covered himself with a towel and followed her provocative moans. Licking her lips, she didn't have to say a word. As he let his towel fall to the floor, her eyes told him all he ever needed to know. He watched as she gazed at his naked body longingly. He crawled into bed and slipped off her t shirt exposing all of her to him. Skin to skin, he laid so close to her, she couldn't feel where she ended and he began.
     He remembered their first encounter. How self conscious she was, to the point of tears, trying to cover her body as he pulled the sheet away. It wasn't until he held her close and kissed her while telling her how much he loved her and wanted her, all of her, that she finally relaxed.
     She never had to tell him how much she wanted him, although she did. She wanted him, totally, completely, passionately. It was the way she did everything in her life. There were never half measures for her. She gave all of herself. It's what had made her different. Much later, when he reflected on their first meeting, it's what had drawn him to her. At that time he had had no idea how long this ride would last, but he wanted on. He was sure it would be fun. As they had spent more time together and he began to really know her, their relationship had become so much more. He never wanted this to end. He fell in love. She was crazy, opinionated, idealistic and his. He had never been so sure of anyone in his life. Although emotionally battered and bruised, with great trepidation, she had opened up to him. She had trusted him with her heart. And he had promised her he would protect it and treat it like the rare jewel it was, a decision he had never once regretted.
     Life with her was nothing he could have ever imagined. Never before had he felt so loved and desired. No one had ever needed him the way she did. She insisted she saw the man he was, but he knew better. She looked at him through the eyes of love. In her eyes he had no flaws he was perfect; the thought made him laugh. Not everyone saw him this way. But he knew she was right, he was perfect, he was perfect for her. She admired him and wanted him but even more important, she truly loved him- loved the man he was. And that's all that mattered as far as he was concerned. She loved all the little things about him no one else noticed- the way the skin around his eyes crinkled when he smiled; the way he would sing to her, mumbling the words he didn't remember; the way his moustache curled when he laughed; the way his voice would lower and become so soft and sweet when he was telling her that he loved her; and how he would wag his finger at her when she whined and accused her of being a child- half serious and half smiling; she saw all the things in him he had always hoped he could be.
     At first, he had relished their time together and was afraid it would become rote and trite. He knew how these things went, like a flash fire, starting off large, bright, hot and fast, burning brightly for a short period of time and all too soon it’s done, over, nothing underneath to keep it going. But that was before he knew the woman she was. She had never let that happen and he was sure she never would. Red hot, that was the kind of love they had, occasionally flaring and burning bright but always hot under ashes, the spark never dying.
     She was comfortingly familiar but always exciting and engaging- a woman in love with life. And life loved her back, but not as much as he did. She wasn't a puzzle, but she was complex. He knew her better than most. But even he had to admit at times she confused him. She was bright and funny, yet intense and determined. She had a scathingly sharp wit but was caring and understanding. Her lovemaking was uninhibited and wild however she was sweet and romantic. She would bristle against injustices but forgive others quickly. She would be a strong and fiercely independent woman and then suddenly retreat to the safety of his arms, like the child she also was. In a world of rainbows, she was a kaleidoscope. And she belonged to him- body, mind and soul, and he knew it was because she wanted it that way.
     He took his hands and gently spread her legs apart. He watched her touching herself, slowly, deliberately. He could feel his own heat rising. He took her hand away and slipped the wet, honeyed fingers in his mouth and staring into her eyes, sucked on her fingers. Her eyes were as unique as she was, green, but flecked with grey and blue, the color of the ocean. She had a look when she was aroused- softer, more yielding. He knew it well. He would watch those eyes. He would watch the spark he kindled turn into a flame. And once he did, he knew there was no turning back. He would be consumed by her fire. He traced his finger down her inner thigh to behind her knee and kissed her there. He felt her hips gently quiver. Smiling at her, he kissed a little further up her leg.
     He knew exactly what he was doing to her. He knew how much she loved it. She sat up and pulled his mouth up to hers. Their lips met in a deep, wet kiss promising so much more. Her tongue exploring his mouth, he loved what that tongue could do and the mere thought of her impassioned touch made his heart race. She softly licked his lips, bit his bottom lip, sucking it in her mouth and was gently alternating between biting and sucking. Till he kissed her back harder while masterfully pushed her down to the bed. She was on her back and he was laying between her legs. Her arms were embracing him as his kisses moved from her lips to her neck. She shuddered and returned the kisses. Nuzzling into his neck, licking his ear, biting his earlobe, and whispering how much she loved him- how much she wanted him- how much she needed him, these words of love he never tired of hearing. She looked up at his deep brown eyes; she saw the lover she adored, the soul mate she searched for, the dream she never gave up.
     He ran his calloused hands down her sides to her hips. He knew she had never really been touched like this till he had touched her. She was so vulnerable and defenseless- at his mercy. He been always been careful because he knew her past relationships had left her insecure and guarded. He had taken down her wall, brick by brick and he would never betrayed her trust. He had brought her to heights of pleasure, she had only imagined. In turn, her intense passion had brought out the hunger he had almost forgotten.
He leaned down and left a trail of wet kisses from her neck to her chest carefully avoiding her breasts. She let out a little whimper. She had never pretended for a minute she didn't love his teasing. She felt his tongue caressing her full, soft breast, his moustache just barely grazing her creamy skin. She could feel his total excitement hard against her thigh. His hands cradled her breasts, holding them to his mouth allowing his tongue to draw circles around her nipples. Her hands were on him. She had to touch him. She ran her fingers through his hair. Her touch was electric. All thoughts of teasing her were gone. He wanted to make her moan, to hear her excited panting, to make her crazy, like only he could. He loved to listen to her as he made love to her. Her breath caught as he gently bit her nipple. She was so sensitive, and he used his tongue, his lips and his teeth on her, but he knew she especially loved his moustache.
     She tried to sit up, but he kept his weight on her. He knew what she wanted, to use that erotic tongue of hers on him. He also knew once she started, he couldn't let her stop.


Heaven (part 3)

     She lay back struggling against him. She wanted him and she wanted to pleasure him. It was not a choice ever, she had to pleasure him. It was selfish. She loved the wild, uninhibited man he would become at her touch. And her arousal would be increased tenfold as she made love to him. She stopped struggling, looked at him deeply, gazing into his hungry eyes, and whispered one word, "Please?". That one word was like fireworks.
     He released her and sat back. She took three pillows and propped them behind him. He was almost sitting straight up. She looked at him and smiled. He sat with rapt attention watching her every move. She knelt between his legs, leaned forward pressing into him. Her nipples just grazing his lips. As he moved forward to take them in his mouth, she quickly pulled away. Slyly, she winked. She wasn't going to make it easy for him. She wanted to drive him crazy with desire for her. He eyes followed her as she sat back on her heels opening herself to him. She put her finger inside those sweet lips. He stared as she touched herself, closed her eyes and arched her back. She got her finger so wet with her honey.  She touched his lips with that wet finger. And then drew a line down his chest and belly.  He felt his cock thicken, grow heavy and move as it straighted. She looked at him, licking her fingers. That tongue, he could already feel it. He watched her kiss his belly, and work her way down lower and lower. She loved to nuzzle into him, his musky scent her addiction. He pulled her up by the shoulders, she looked at him smiling, and he kissed her sweet lips, tasting her. 
     He was so hooked. It hadn't taken her long- red hair, green piercing eyes and a soft, voluptuous body with large pink tipped breasts. She had him from hello, but it was when she spoke- bright, witty and engaging, that when he fell in love. He remembered the first time he held her, the first time they made love. She felt as good as she looked and tasted even better. But what really got him, was the way she looked at him adoringly. It hadn't taken him long to realize how much he needed her. With her, his world made sense.
     She was playful when she made love, teasing and toying with him. "Oooo look what I found!" she cooed to him with a devilish gleam in her eye and a smirk on her face that made his lips slightly curl. Reaching in their bedside table drawer, she pulled out a bottle of cherry flavoured lubricant, pouring it over his swollen member like pouring chocolate syrup over ice cream. She made her tongue as flat as possible, and then slowly ran it along his cock from base to tip. Taking her time, she made sure her tongue covered his shaft even his balls but she carefully avoided touching the very tip of his cock. Biting his bottom lip with anticipation he watched her. Then she flicked her tongue over the smooth head, licking the last of the cherry lube mixed with his precum. Pursing her lips she gently blew. Shivers of bliss ensued and he had to close his eyes until the trembling ceased. This was a moment of such strong passion and deep emotions. She loved him so much. He knew that. This made their lovemaking even more intense. He loved her and he couldn't resist her. He wanted release, but he knew she wasn't done, not yet. He had lost all sense of time and space. It was all about him and her and this moment. No one or nothing else mattered.
     She loved the way he felt. His skin was so hot. He was like a man on fire. She licked his balls. He shuddered at her touch. Starting at the top left with her soft, wet tongue, she traced a path down along the side of his hard shaft and, once she reached the bottom swooped up the middle seam between his testicles. She backtracked down the seam, around the bottom, and up the right side. Gently she pulled his swollen orbs into her mouth; noisily sucking, first one then the other. She wanted them wet and hot. She wanted him to feel her, feel her passion. She then licked from his balls to his ass and back again concentrating on the small indentation behind his sac. Taking her finger tips stroked his cock so gently he could barely feel her. It was all so wonderful. He closed his eyes wanting to totally revel in the sensations but opened them again, not wanting to miss a thing. Dragging her tongue from his balls, up the hard shaft, taking the head in her mouth, she could feel it swell, the skin tight and shiny. She looked up at him. He looked delectable. She softly sucked him in, varying the rhythm and intensity to keep her movements unpredictable and exciting. She ran the tip of her tongue around the rim under the head, finding that sweet spot in front, where he loved to be touched and rubbed. He threw his head back and groaned, consumed with pleasure. She knew his body. Spreading her legs apart, she was grinding her wetness against him, keeping perfect rhythm. She, too, let out a little moan.
    He watched her licking his hot cock with the tip of her tongue. She made his heart thump in his chest. She made him feel so alive. She had such control over him and he wouldn't fight it even if he could. He revelled in it, and in the fact that she desired him so completely. She made it clear, she never got enough of him. Every nerve in his body was electrified. He could see her luscious lips around his throbbing cock, watching as his shaft disappear into her mouth. It was like a fantasy, feeling her mouth slide up and down him, giving him looks like she wanted to devour him.
       Her nails gently raking the inside of his thighs, sending a white hot rush up his spine. He grabbed her hair. Control was so difficult right now. She sucked him harder and with more urgency. He could feel how wet she was against his leg. He couldn't think. He didn't want to. All he could feel was earth shattering desire. All he knew was he wanted her. He wanted her honeyed sweetness. He had waited long enough. She looked in his eyes and knew he was going to take what was his.
     He leaned forward, grabbed her and pulled her closer. Her breasts flattening out against his chest. He rolled her on her back and laid on top of her,  His knees pushed her legs apart.
     He was so close to her now. His weight holding her down. He took both her wrists in one hand, holding them over her head. He kissed her dulcet mouth with urgency; his mouth making love to hers. With his other hand, he pressed against her mound, a finger slipping over those wet lips. She started small moans as she wiggled her hips against him.
She stopped struggling, looked at him deeply, gazing into his hungry eyes. She could feel his hard cock drag against her thigh, wet with precum. Moving up on her, he slid the tip in her, just enough to feel her heat. Very slowly, he pushed into her, sliding in deeper with each thrust. She was so wet and so yielding. Wrapping her legs around him, she pulled him in even deeper. She enveloped him and soon they were moving in rhythm. Their bodies entwined, their minds connected, their souls as one, kissing with passion and yearning that grew. With every thrust, she got wetter and hotter, that made him groan louder, as he felt his balls so wet from her. His hips slid back and forth, his body rubbed against her clit with each stroke, long deep strokes, that drove her wild. "Oh baby" she murmured, "faster, I can't stand much more of this". He was making sure she felt every move, every sensation. He felt her tense up, so tight on his shaft. She was taking him to the edge. He was not sure how much more he could take. He couldn't hold back any longer. Her hips were writhing in a figure eight motion. She was breath was shallow and fast, interrupted with her moans of pleasure and whispered words of love and desire. She was making him come. He had no control left; listening to her sultry, velvety voice, feeling her slippery and passionately in need, smelling their mingled lust.  Their eyes met and he could read her mind. He knew what she wanted. In a low, smoky voice, she whispered, "Give it to me, babe! Give it all to me! I want every inch. I want every drop. You are so mine." His passion was blinding. His need was immeasurable. He was trying to hold off waiting for the signal from her, knowing it would be more intense when he did. Those words were all he needed. The pleasure started rushing through his body, as he felt her tense. Their skin dewy, their breaths came in gasps, he couldn't hold out a second longer. He could feel it building, but he couldn't control it. It started just behind his balls, the same place she had been licking just a few moment before. His thrusts got faster. He raised her legs over his shoulders. Deeper into her he went.  One of his hands slipped between her legs and his fingers parted her lips, pulling her clit out from its hood, caressing it. Trying so hard to hold back, waiting for her. Her erotic panting and murmurs of desire, only made it worse.  He could feel her pussy tighten and squeeze his cock.  He was already there. The first spurt into her, red hot, and drove her wild.  She cried out his name.  And contraction after contraction, he gave himself all to her. She had his heart and soul already, now he gave her his body with unbridled passion and tender love.  He trembled.  He was blind to everything but her.  He felt nothing but her lustful abandon. 
     She felt him. She heard him.  She wanted him like she had never wanted any other man. His release was what she had craved, to feel him inside of her.  He was exciting and amazing.  She could never get enough of him.  His every sensuous move, every seductive sound aroused her even more; it set her aflame.  Her shameless desire was uncontrollable.  She bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming his name as she quivered in  anticipation.  He was a growing addiction she couldn't deny. Her breath quickened and her heart raced. "Come on, baby; Come for Papa" he whispered to her.  Hearing his deep, husky voice in her ear, feeling his rough hands fondling her, was electrifying.  Her need for release was intensified. He was unrelenting, watching her every move as he brought her to the edge of ecstasy.  Her joy was his joy. He felt every pulse, nuance, breath, vibration and together they reached for heaven. He watched her body stiffen.  She was rocking her hips as he moved his fingers.  "That's it, baby, come.  Come for me," he murmured. She dug her nails into his shoulders as wave after wave of seeming unending pleasure swept over her. Every time they made love, it just got better. He could feel her body convulsing as she climaxed. He felt euphoric and high. She had awakened in him the man he was.  It felt so good to love her, to make sweet love to her.  He kissed her hair and held her close.  She became soft and limp in his arms, not speaking or moving.  "Honey, are you OK?" he asked . Suddenly she looked up at him adoringly and smiled, "yes, love, just fine," she glowed. She snuggled in his strong arms, giddy and giggling. Grabbing her, he raised her face to his to kiss her lips and then grinned. She loved him; she cherished him; she really appreciated him. It showed in everything she did. Every act was an act of love.  And his love was everything she had dreamt of. 
     They laid in each other’s arms. His hand moved over her ample breast, holding it and massaging it, just loving how soft it was. She happily cuddled with him.  He was so warm and so relaxed, drifting off into sleep. It wasn't long till she heard his slow, steady breathing. "Just hold me, baby and never let me go" she purred into his ear.  Barely opening his eyes, a smile crept across his face, "Never", he whispered back, "Never". The way he held her as if he was afraid of losing her while he was asleep, made her feel so wanted and so loved.  She was sure this was heaven. "Oh, once in your life you find someone who will turn your world around bring you up when you're feelin' down. Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me. Oh, there's lots that I could say but just hold me now 'cause our love will light the way." Bryan Adams crooned. Laying her head on her lover's chest, she very softly sang along.


There was only you and me
We were young and wild and free
Now nothin' can take you away from me
We've been down that road before
But that's over now
You keep me comin' back for more

Baby you're all that I want
When you're lyin' here in my arms
I'm findin' it hard to believe
We're in heaven
And love is all that I need
And I found it there in your heart
It isn't too hard to see
We're in heaven

Oh, once in your life you find someone
Who will turn your world around
Bring you up when you're feelin' down
Yeah, nothin' could change what you mean to me
Oh, there's lots that I could say
But just hold me now
'Cause our love will light the way

I've been waitin' for so long
For somethin' to arrive
For love to come along
Now our dreams are comin' true
Through the good times and the bad
Yeah, I'll be standin' there by you

Bryan Adams